Applications for the 2025/2026 Enterprise Placement Year (EPY) are open.

Please email: with an expression of interest and the application form will be sent in due course.

DMUmade PopUps 

We've teamed up with DSU to host a new, daily opUp Shop located in the SUsupplies Shop on the Ground Floor of the Campus Centre. Students who make their own products can apply for a free stall by emailing Andrew Reynolds. PopUp Shops are open on Mondays between 10am and 4pm.

Email to express an interest in having a stall. 


A reminder that any student or graduate can receive one to one support, whether they have an existing business or would just like to know how to go about starting one.

One-to-ones are offered face to face and on line and can be booked via MyGateway or

Further drop-in support and workspace will soon be available via the new Careers Hub in Hugh Aston.

If you have launched your own money-making venture, side-hustle or business since July 2023, tell us about it here so we can help you.